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jQuery's $.ajax URL Encoding Problems

I'm using jQuery's $.ajax method to send and retrieve data to a REST service. Some of the URL's I'm providing to the $.ajax method requires spaces and other special characters to be encoded.

The problem lies with Chrome, Safari (Webkit) and Internet Explorer browsers. Firefox POST's to a URL which is encoded but the other browsers POST to a URL which isn't encoded.

As an example:

$.ajax ({
  url: "http://localhost:8080/rest/123/Product Line A/[Product Type B]",
  type: "POST",
  dataType: "json",
  data: { ... },
  success: function(...){},
  error: function(...){}

Firefox POSTS the URL in the following format:


Chrome, Safari and IE POSTS the URL in the following format:

http://localhost:8080/rest/123/Product Line A/[Product Type B]

The REST services accepts the encoded (Firefox) format - is there a way I can make this consistent across all browsers?

Thanks in advance!


  • You can use javascript's encodeURI() function to encode a URL into "Firefox format" as you state.