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Am I correct that strcmp is equivalent (and safe) for literals?

We all know the trouble overflows can cause, and this is why strn* exist - and most of the time they make sense. However, I have seen code which uses strncmp to compare commandline parameters like so:

if(... strncmp(argv[i], "--help", 6) == 0

Now, I would have thought that this is unnecessary and perhaps even dangerous (for longer parameters it would be easy to miscount the characters in the literal).

strncmp stops on nulls, and the code already assumes argv[i] is null-terminated. Any string literal is guaranteed to be null-terminated, so why not use strcmp?

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I've seen this a few times and this time it intrigued me enough to ask.


  • yes it is perfectly safe and considered standard practice. String literals are guaranteed to be properly null terminated.