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How to properly send JSON data using SuperAgent on React

I am sending the state of my react app to a server (not located on same as the frontend server).'http://localhost:8000/guide')
        .end((err, resp) => {
            if (err) console.log('Error: ' + err);
            else {

The problem is at the receiving end (the backend server), I am getting the following on req.body:

{ '{"mainColor":"#F44336","accentColor":"#FFC107","appName":"sasa"}': '' }

I could work around the problem, but I'd love to figure out the right way to do this, I've tried to send my state without JSON.stringify but I can't nothing on the body of req at my backend. I also tried few other things but couldn't get it to work the right way. Thank you very much!


  • My suggestion,

        // http request code... use XMLHttpRequest instead of SuperAgent
        let http = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST','http://localhost:8080/guide');
        http.onload = ()=>{
            if (http.status >=200 && http.status <300){
        let state = this.state;
        http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
        http.send(JSON.stringify(state)); // send state as payload
        // server.js in nodejs
        var express = require('express');
        var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
        var app = express();
        app.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '100mb'}));
        app.use('/guide', function(req, res){
            var payload = req.body; // payload varibale has your state object

    In this server.js contain body parser, that takes responsibility of your request body and parse your payload object.