This is my .xml file for creating a listview and adding elements in it using a template in appcelerator. How to style the contents in the list item in .tss file. for eg. I want the image to be on the extreme left and the title to be in the middle below which will be the date and the url.
<Window id="win2" class="container">
<View id = "v1" class ="view1" layout ="horizontal" >
<Button class="btnBack" ></Button>
<Label class = "label1">List</Label>
<View class="view2">
<TextField id = "txtSearch"></TextField>
<ListView id = "lView" class = "list1" >
<ItemTemplate name="template">
<ImageView bindId="pic" id="iconId" />
<Label bindId="info" id="titleId" />
<Label bindId="date" id="dateId" />
<Label bindId="url" id ="urlId" />
<ListItem pic:image="/Images/abstract-logo-with-colorful-leaves_1025-695.jpg" info:text ="This is the title" date:text= "6/30/2017" url:tex =""></ListItem>
See the Alloy XML Markup section in the ListView documentation. and note how the sample index.tss
references each control within the ItemTemplate by its id
. The example there is pretty close to what you are trying to accomplish:
"#icon" : {
width: '50dp', height: '50dp', left: 0
"#title" : {
color: 'black',
font: { fontFamily:'Arial', fontSize: '20dp', fontWeight:'bold' },
left: '60dp', top: 0
"#subtitle" : {
color: 'gray',
font: { fontFamily:'Arial', fontSize: '14dp' },
left: '60dp', top: '25dp'