I have a gridview displaying Patient data but I need to use two tables - Currently I am binding it with only the Patient table and its showing Gender, Ethnicity etc ( with numbers ) but I need to get those data from the Ref table. I tried to do join then bind it but I did not work and I was told Navigation property will do the Job but not single tutorial helped me.
Help and advise will be appreciated.
Example of Patient and Ref table
Patient Table
Patient ID Patient Name Gender Ethnicity
1 John 0 1
Ref Table
Reference ID Domain Code Description
1 Gender 0 Male
2 Gender 1 Female
3 Ethnicity 1 White
4 Ethnicity 2 Black
and here is the Join that I tried
Dim Testing = from x In db.Patient, y In db.ref where y.Domain = "Gender"
or y.Domain = "Ethnicity"
Select x.PatientID, x.PatientName, y.Gender, y.Ethnicity
gvPatient.DataSource = Testing
Create views for each of the lookups like.
SELECT Code, Description
WHERE Domain = 'Gender'
Then create entities for each lookup, marking the Code property with a KeyAttribute.