This is a reduced version of the code.I and making over 100 requests using http_client.fetch, I am getting the responses in random order,It is really important for me to know which response is for which request that I made.What changes should I make in order to achieve this?
from tornado import ioloop, httpclient
def handle_request(response):
jsonobject_ticker = json.loads( response.body, object_hook= JSONObject)
print "{0:.9f}".format(currency_price)
global i
i -= 1
if i == 0:
def check_for_pump():
for index in range (len(shortlisted)):
print market
http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
global i
i += 1
http_client.fetch(get_ticker_url(shortlisted[index]), handle_request, method='GET')
The HTTPResponse object has a "request" property, so you can just access response.request
in your callback.
More generally, however, if you wanted to pass specific data to a callback you can use a "partial":
from functools import partial
def handle_request(data, response):
data = "foo"
callback = partial(data, handle_request)
http_client.fetch(url, callback)
You don't need this technique in this case, but it's good to know how to pass data to a callback in Tornado.