Is there a way to unzip all gz files in the folder containing the zipfiles. When zip files are in subdirectories. A query for
find -type f -name "*.gz"
Gives results like this:
If you want, for each of those, to launch "gzip -d" on them:
cd theparentdir && gzip -d $(find ./ -type f -name '*.gz')
and then, to gzip them back:
cd theparentdir && gzip $(find ./ -type f -name '*.csv')
This will however choke in many cases
A solution would be instead, if you have GNU find, to do :
find ... -print0 | xarsg -0 gzip -d # for the gunzip one, but still choke on files with "newline" in them
Another (arguably better?) solution, if you have GNU find at your disposal:
cd theparentdir && find ./ -type f -name '*.gz' -exec gzip -d '{}' '+'
and to re-zip all csv in that parentdir & all subdirs:
cd theparentdir && find ./ -type f -name '*.csv' -exec gzip '{}' '+'
"+" tells GNU find to try to put as many found files as it can on each gzip invocation (instead of doing 1 gzip incocation per file, very very ressource intensive and very innefficient and slow), similar to xargs, but with some benefits (1 command only, no pipe needed)