I'm trying to get Google Analytics to work on my AMP landing pages. I have followed this guide for how to setup the analytics on how to include it on each page.
The config looks like this
<amp-analytics type=“googleanalytics” id="main_tracking">
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"account": "UA-49671924-1"
"extraUrlParams": {
"cd1": "{{_country}}",
"cd2": "{{_language}}"
"triggers": {
"trackPageview": {
"on": "visible",
"request": "pageview"
"trackEvent": {
"on": "visible",
"request": "event",
"vars": {
"eventCategory": "amp",
"eventAction": "viewed_amp"
"trackClickOnHeader": {
"on": "click",
"selector": "#header",
"request": "event",
"vars": {
"eventCategory": "ui-components",
"eventAction": "header-click"
But when I run the pages, the console returns the following errors.
[AmpAnalytics main_tracking]" "No request strings defined. Analytics data will not be sent from this page."
[AmpAnalytics main_tracking]" "Ignoring event. Request string not found: " "pageview"
[AmpAnalytics main_tracking]" "Ignoring event. Request string not found: " "event"
On the Google Analytics side, nothing seems to be recorded.
Now I can't find much about this error, if anything, but I'm assuming it refers to the requests object needed if you want to send analytics to a custom URL. But I don't understand why this is being requested when trying to run Google Analytics
Does anyone know if something is missing, and what?
It looks like you're using smart quotes here
If you remove the smart quotes and use normal quotes it should work i.e. like this: