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partial correlation coefficient in pandas dataframe

I have a data in pandas dataframe like:

df = 

    X1  X2  X3  Y
0   1   2   10  5.077
1   2   2   9   32.330
2   3   3   5   65.140
3   4   4   4   47.270
4   5   2   9   80.570

and I want to do multiple regression analysis. Here Y is dependent variables and x1, x2 and x3 are independent variables. correlation between each independent variables with dependent variable is:


      X1          X2            X3         Y
X1  1.000000    0.353553    -0.409644   0.896626
X2  0.353553    1.000000    -0.951747   0.204882
X3  -0.409644   -0.951747   1.000000    -0.389641
Y   0.896626    0.204882    -0.389641   1.000000

​As we can see here y has highest correlation with x1 so i have selected x1 as first independent variable. And following the process I am trying to select second independent variable with highest partial correlation with y. How to find partial correlation in such case?


  • Pairwise ranks between Y (last col) and others

    If you are only trying to find the correlation rank between Y and others, simply do -

    corrs = df.corr().values
    ranks = (df.columns[:-1][-corrs[:-1,-1].argsort()]).tolist()

    Sample run -

    In [145]: df
             X1        X2        X3         Y
    0  0.576562  0.481220  0.148405  0.929005
    1  0.732278  0.934351  0.115578  0.379051
    2  0.078430  0.575374  0.945908  0.999495
    3  0.391323  0.429919  0.265165  0.837510
    4  0.525265  0.331486  0.951865  0.998278
    In [146]: df.corr()
              X1        X2        X3         Y
    X1  1.000000  0.354387 -0.642953 -0.646551
    X2  0.354387  1.000000 -0.461510 -0.885174
    X3 -0.642953 -0.461510  1.000000  0.649758
    Y  -0.646551 -0.885174  0.649758  1.000000
    In [147]: corrs = df.corr().values
    In [148]: (df.columns[:-1][-corrs[:-1,-1].argsort()]).tolist()
    Out[148]: ['X3', 'X1', 'X2']

    Pairwise ranks between all columns

    If you are trying to find the rank between all columns between each other, we would have one approach like so -

    def pairwise_corr_rank(df):
        corrs = df.corr().values
        cols = df.columns
        n = corrs.shape[0]
        r,c = np.triu_indices(n,1)
        idx = corrs[r,c].argsort()
        out = np.c_[cols[r[idx]], cols[c[idx]], corrs[r,c][idx]][::-1]
        return pd.DataFrame(out, columns=[['P1','P2','Value']])

    Sample run -

    In [109]: df
       X1  X2  X3       Y
    0   1   2  10   5.077
    1   2   2   9  32.330
    2   3   3   5  65.140
    3   4   4   4  47.270
    4   5   2   9  80.570
    In [110]: df.corr()
              X1        X2        X3         Y
    X1  1.000000  0.353553 -0.409644  0.896626
    X2  0.353553  1.000000 -0.951747  0.204882
    X3 -0.409644 -0.951747  1.000000 -0.389641
    Y   0.896626  0.204882 -0.389641  1.000000
    In [114]: pairwise_corr_rank(df)
       P1  P2     Value
    0  X1   Y  0.896626
    1  X1  X2  0.353553
    2  X2   Y  0.204882
    3  X3   Y -0.389641
    4  X1  X3 -0.409644
    5  X2  X3 -0.951747