I am using the Google Cloud Platform to implement a REST API which is accessible through HTTPS only using a load balancer.
My setup looks like this:
VM instances:
Instance groups:
Back-end services:
Load balancing:
I now configured my domain's (api.domain.com) DNS with an A-Record for PUBLIC_IP. https://api.domain.com's output successfully switches between "server1" and "server2". The load balancer and the HTTPS-certificate my-ssl-certificate is working great! my-ssl-certificate is a Let's Encrypt SSL-certificate for my domain api.domain.com.
Question: Do I need 2 other certificates for my 2 VM instances, when they communicate with the load balancer? Or is this communication internally and doesn't require further SSL-certificates? If I need those certificates, how do I set them up with IPs? Because accessing my 2 VM instances IPs via https://VM1_PUBLIC_IP results in a chrome warning, that the certificate is not valid.
If you are using load-balancer with SSL certificates, then there was no need of public facing VM's, you should kept it private subnets and communication should happen over private ip's between LB and VM.