I am having trouble signing an application after ClickOnce deployment.
The application is a winforms project with 3 class-library projects and is deployed to a shared file path.
Publish from Visual Studio works and if I run the application it installs fine despite the warning in Windows 10 about it being unrecognized:
So being a foolishly helpful programmer I thought I'd try to remove the warning message for my users.
Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the downloaded assembly
error and after exhausting the 10 different things to try mentioned in this question I started posting here.could not find a part of the path \\MyFileShare\Application%20Files\MyApplication_1_0_0_23\MyApplication.exe.manifest
in notepad to
and resigned in Mage AGAIN and it worked!!!Surely I'm doing something wrong and Microsoft didn't intend for this to be so difficult?
What is the correct way to run Mage to sign the application in 1 hit, without having to edit the files manually and resign multiple times?
As Marco Guignard pointed out in the comments it is possible to export a certificate created from anywhere and import it into your personal store to use in Visual Studio.
Signing it in Visual Studio (pictures) and setting separate publish + install locations allows me to bypass the need to use mage at all!