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iPhone: How to detect if an EKEvent instance can be modified?

While working with the EventKit on iPhone I noticed that some events can exist which cannot be modified. Examples I encountered so far are birthdays and events synced with CalDAV. When you view the event's details in the standard built-in calendar app on iPhone the "Edit" button in the top-right corner is not visible in these cases, where it would be visible when viewing "normal" events.

I've searched everywhere, read all documentation there is but I simply can't find anything that tells me how to detect this behavior! I can only detect it afterwards:

  1. edit an event's title
  2. save it to the event store
  3. check the event's title, if it has not changed it is not editable!

I am looking for a way that I can detect the non-editable behavior of an event beforehand. I know this is possible because I've seen other calendar apps implement this correctly.


  • Ok it appears as if the SDK doesn't provide me with anything I can use to check if an EKEvent is read-only. I created a workaround by creating a category that adds an "isReadOnly" method to all EKEvent instances.


    @interface EKEvent(ReadOnlyCheck)
    - (BOOL) isReadOnly;


    #import "EKEvent+ReadOnlyCheck.h"
    @implementation EKEvent(ReadOnlyCheck)
    - (BOOL) isReadOnly {
        BOOL readOnly;
        NSString *originalTitle = [self.title retain];
        NSString *someRandomTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", arc4random()];
        self.title = someRandomTitle;
        readOnly = [originalTitle isEqualToString:self.title];
        self.title = originalTitle;
        [originalTitle release];
        return readOnly;

    When the above files are in place I can simply call isReadOnly on the EKEvent of my choice.

    #import "EKEvent+ReadOnlyCheck.h"
    if ([event isReadOnly]) {
        // Do your thing