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Gradient Map Filter - Pixel Bender for AS3

i need some help to create a filter in Pixel Bender for AS3 to make this effect in the right side in this image:

Can you help me?

Thank you.


  • A little late, but this seems to do the trick:

    <languageVersion : 1.0;>
    kernel Darken
    <   namespace : "omino";
        vendor : "omino";
        version : 1;
        description : "darken the right part of an image";
        input image4 src;
        output pixel4 dst;
        parameter float leftEdgeOfEffect <minValue: 0.0 ; maxValue: 2000.0; defaultValue: 200.0;>;
        parameter float darkness <minValue: 0.0 ; maxValue: 1.0; defaultValue: 0.75;>;
            float2 co = outCoord();
            pixel4 p = sampleNearest(src,co);
            if(co.x >= leftEdgeOfEffect)
                p.rgb = p.rgb * (1.0 - darkness);
            dst = p;

    The actual pixel manipulation happens here: p.rgb = p.rgb * (1.0 - darkness);

    It's just darkening the R, G, and B. You could get trickier here for more interesting effects.