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How to get property value that is a class itself within a class method

I want to create some classes, that have to look a certain way (the way shown in my example).

Some of the class properties are classes (or structs) themselves.

I want to write a method within my classes that get the property values of all the properties that are Structs and write them to a string.

So this is what my classes look like:

public class car
   public string brand { get; set; }
   public tire _id { get; set; }
   public string GetAttributes()
      Type type = this.GetType();
      PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
      foreach(PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
      if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.ToString().Contains("_"))
         //I want to write the actual value of the property here!
         string nested_property_value = ...
         return nested_property_value;

this is what my structs look like:

 public struct tire
    public int id { get; set; }

this would be the Main Program:

tire mynewtire = new tire()
   id = 5

car mynewcar = new car()
   _id = mynewtire

How can I create a working method to get these property attributes?


  • This code will get you started. I recommend you look at other serialisation methods (such as JSON) as well.

    using System;
    namespace Test
        public class car
            public string brand { get; set; }
            public tire _id { get; set; }
            public string GetAttributes()
                var type = this.GetType();
                var returnValue = "";
                var properties = type.GetProperties();
                foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                    // Look at properties of the car
                    if (propertyInfo.Name.Contains("_") && propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsValueType &&
                        var propValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(this);
                        var propType = propValue.GetType();
                        var propProperties = propType.GetProperties();
                        foreach (var propPropertyInfo in propProperties)
                            // Now get the properties of tire
                            // Here I just concatenate to a string - you can tweak this
                            returnValue += propPropertyInfo.GetValue(propValue).ToString();
                return returnValue;
        public struct tire
            public int id { get; set; }
        public class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                var mynewtire = new tire()
                    id = 5
                var mynewcar = new car()
                    _id = mynewtire