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Is it possible to make 'dynamically' adjustable widgets in Tkinter/ttk

I'm developing very simple GUI for my DB. It shows record's list/tree in DB on left panel and (if user clicks on some record) shows the record on the right panel.

Here some bit of code which creates GUI

from Tkinter import *
import ttk

master = Tk()

reclist = ttk.Treeview(columns=["TIME STAMP","HASH","MESSAGE"])
ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=VERTICAL,   command= reclist.yview)
xsb = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, command= reclist.xview)
reclist['yscroll'] = ysb.set
reclist['xscroll'] = xsb.set
reclist.grid(in_=master, row=0, column=0,  sticky=NSEW)
ysb.grid(in_=master, row=0, column=1, sticky=NS)
xsb.grid(in_=master, row=1, column=0, sticky=EW)

Comment = Text(master)
Comment.tag_configure("center", justify='center')
ysc = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=VERTICAL,   command= Comment.yview)
xsc = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, command= Comment.xview)
Comment.grid(in_=master,row=0,column=2,sticky=W+E+N+S)#, columnspan=5)
ysc.grid(in_=master, row=0, column=3, sticky=NS)
xsc.grid(in_=master, row=1, column=2, sticky=EW)
master.rowconfigure(0, weight=3)
master.columnconfigure(0, weight=3)
master.columnconfigure(2, weight=3)


Everything works pretty well, except that two panels are not adjustable. I cannot move border between them to make list of records or record panel bigger or smaller. I'm pretty sure in is possible (for example in gitk you can move the border between the list of commits and a displaied commit). I've search quite a lot with no luck.


  • What you are looking for is called a "PanedWindow". Both the tkinter and ttk modules have one, and they work almost identically. The general idea is that you create a PanedWindow instance, and then you add two or more widgets to it. The PanedWindow will add a movable slider between each widget. Typically you would use frames, which you can then fill up with other widgets.

    Here is an example using the one in Tkinter:

    import Tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    pw = tk.PanedWindow()
    pw.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
    f1 = tk.Frame(width=200, height=200, background="bisque")
    f2 = tk.Frame(width=200, height=200, background="pink")
    # adding some widgets to the left...
    text = tk.Text(f1, height=20, width=20, wrap="none")
    ysb = tk.Scrollbar(f1, orient="vertical", command=text.yview)
    xsb = tk.Scrollbar(f1, orient="horizontal", command=text.xview)
    text.configure(yscrollcommand=ysb.set, xscrollcommand=xsb.set)
    f1.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    f1.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
    xsb.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
    ysb.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
    text.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
    # and to the right...
    b1 = tk.Button(f2, text="Click me!")
    s1 = tk.Scale(f2, from_=1, to=20, orient="horizontal")
    b1.pack(side="top", fill="x")
    s1.pack(side="top", fill="x")