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How Can a Data Access Object (DAO) Allow Simultaneous Updates to a Subset of Columns?

Please forgive me if I misuse any OOP terminology as I'm still getting my feet wet on the subject.

I've been reading up on object oriented programming (OOP) - specifically for web applications. I have been going over the concept of a data access object (DAO). The DAO is responsible for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) methods and connecting your application's service (business logic) layer to the database.

My question specifically pertains to the Update() method within a DAO. In the examples I've read about, developers typically pass a bean object into the DAO update() method as its main argument updateCustomer(customerBean) The method then executes some SQL which updates all of the columns based on the data in the bean.

The problem I see with this logic is that the update() method updates ALL columns within the database based on the bean's data and could theoretically cause it to overwrite columns another user or system might need to update simultaneously.

A simplified example might be:

  • User 1 updates field A in the bean
  • User 2 updates field B in the bean
  • User 2 passes bean to DAO, DAO updates all fields.
  • User 1 passes bean to DAO, DAO updates all fields.
  • User 2's changes have been lost!

I've read about Optimistic Locking and Pessimistic Locking as possible solutions for only allowing one update at a time but I can think of many cases where an application needs to allow for editing different parts of a record at the same time without locking or throwing an error.

For example, lets say an administrator is updating a customer's lastName at the same time the customer logs into the web site and the login system needs to update the dateLastLoggedIn column while simultaneously a scheduled task needs to update a lastPaymentReminderDate. In this crazy example, if you were passing a bean object to the update() method and saving the entire record of data each time its possible that whichever process runs the update() method last would overwrite all of the data.

Surely there must be a way to solve this. I've come up with a few possibilities based on my research but I would be curious to know the proper/best way to accomplish this.

Possible solution 1: DAO Update() Method Does Not Accept Bean as Argument

If the update() method accepted a structure of data containing all of the columns in the database that need updating instead of a bean object you could make your SQL statement smart enough to only update the fields that were passed to the method. For example, the argument might look like this:

{ customerID: 1, firstName: 'John' }

This would basically tell the update() method to only update the column firstName based on the customerID, 1. This would make your DAO extremely flexible and would give the service layer the ability to dynamically interact with the database. I have a gut feeling that this violates some "golden rule" of OOP but I'm not sure which. I've also never seen any examples online of a DAO behaving like this.

Possible Solution 2: Add additional update() methods to your DAO.

You could also solve this by adding more specific update() methods to your DAO. For example you might have one for dateLastLoggedIn()' and 'dateLastPaymentReminderDate(). This way each service that needs to update the record could theoretically do so simultaneously. Any locking could be done for each specific update method if needed.

The main downside of this approach is that your DAO will start to get pretty muddy with all kinds of update statements and I've seen many blog posts writing about how messy DAOs can quickly become.

How would you solve this type of conundrum with DAO objects assuming you need to allow for updating subsets of record data simultaneously? Would you stick with passing a bean to the DAO or is there some other solution I haven't considered?


  • If you do a operation that returns a bean, then update the bean with the user's new values, then pass that bean to the DAO.update(bean) method, then you shouldn't have a problem unless the two user operations happen within milliseconds of each other. Your question implies that the beans are being stored in the session scope or something like that before passed to the update() method. If that's what you're doing, don't, for exactly the reasons you described. You don't want your bean getting out of sync with the db record. For even better security, wrap a transaction around the read and update operations, then there'd be no way the two users could step on each other's toes, even if user2 submits his changes at the exact same time as user 1.

    Read(), set values, update() is the way to go, I think. Keep the beans fresh. Nobody wants stale beans.