Can someone tell me why in this program bsearch fuction always returns pointer=NULL??
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct data
char name[10];
int age;
char eye[15];
int komparator (const void* a, const void *b)
struct data *aa = (struct data *)a;
struct data *bb = (struct data *)b;
return (aa->age-bb->age);
int main ()
char *NAME[10]={"Ola","Tola","Jola","Zosia","Jan","Adam","Ala","Basia","Tom","Jacek"};
char *COLOR[10]={"zielone", "brazowe", "niebieskie", "niebieskie", "zielone", "brazowe", "brazowe", "niebieskie", "czarne", "niebieskie"};
struct data (*pointer)[5];
struct data people[2][5];
int i;
qsort(people,2*5,sizeof(struct data),komparator);
// here is the problem:
int wanted = 18;
struct data *found=(struct data*) bsearch(&wanted,people,2*5,sizeof(struct data),komparator);
printf("Found name is: %s, eye's: %s, age: %d\n",found->name,found->eye,found->age);
printf("Didnt find \n");
return 0;
Please focus on the part with bsearch, because other thing working well.
I will be very grateful :)
The solution of this problem is that komparator requires type (struct data *), so
int wanted=18;
is the mistake and after changing it to
struct data wanted = {"", 18, ""};
everything works :)
@BLUEPIXY helped :)