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How to get client's contact details in lync sdk c#

Which Object has the client contact information like office,company,IM, etc,. in Lync SDK 2013? I want to know the user's(client's) location/address information.


  • In addition to Kannan's answer, getting the phone numbers from a contact is different and requires more work. Here's how you do it:

    LyncClient lyncClient = LyncClient.GetClient();
    Contact contact = lyncClient.ContactManager.GetContactByUri("sip:[email protected]");
    List<object> endPoints = new List<object>();
    var telephoneNumber = (List<object>)contact.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.ContactEndpoints);
    endPoints = telephoneNumber.Where<object>(N => ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.HomePhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.MobilePhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.OtherPhone || ((ContactEndpoint)N).Type == ContactEndpointType.WorkPhone).ToList<object>();
    foreach (var endPoint in endPoints)
        //((ContactEndpoint)endPoint).DisplayName.ToString(); //This is the phone number in string format