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VBA 7.1 Setting multiple class properties by looping through a collection

self-taught VBA noob here. If I'm breaching ettiquette or asking something that everyone else knows already I'm sorry. Also, if I'm doing things that appear insane, it's because it is the only way I can either think of or actually make work. There's a department here at my work than can turn my makeshift code into something decent, but I have to give them a workable model first.

I have two programs with native VBA. One is a terminal emulator which I'm using to scrape mainframe data and to construct a custom class object, and then intend to pass it to MS Excel for number crunching. I am stuck with VBA until I can convince the IT folks that I am worthy of a Visual Studio license and scripting access. Also I have to pass the class in memory and not a spreadsheet in case of a program crash; no loose, easily recoverable data in lost files allowed.

The data is an invoice that has up to 99 lines, each line can bill an item or a service. The invoice is a custom invoice class, and each line is a custom line class contained in a collection of lines. I have everything built and working, but I'm stuck trying to set the line objects to their invoice line properties. Something with the effect of this:

For x = 1 To intLines
    Invoice.Linex = cLines.Item(x)
Next x

hoping that in Excel I can use the invoice like this:

currTotalChrg = Invoice.Line01.Charge + Invoice.Line02.Charge

I've looked at the CallByName function but couldn't get it to work, and couldn't find an online example to show me how to set it up properly. Without that, I don't know how to make what I've seen others call a wrapper to construct and execute the lines. If I must, I can construct a SelectCasenstein to do the job, but there's got to be a better way. Since I can't post code (proprietary issues and government regulations), I am perfectly fine with vague answers; I can figure out the nuts and bolts if pointed in the right direction.

Thanx for the time and help!


  • Seems you want an Invoice collection class that holds InvoiceLineItem objects and exposes a TotalAmount property.

    You can't edit module/member attributes directly in the VBE, but if you want to be able to iterate the line items of an invoice with a nice For Each loop, you'll have to find a way. One way is to export the class and edit it in your favorite text editor to add the attributes, save it, and then re-import it into your VBA project. Next release of Rubberduck will let you do that with "annotations" (magic comments), which I'm also including here:

      MultiUse = -1  'True
    Attribute VB_Name = "Invoice"
    Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
    Attribute VB_Creatable = False
    Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
    Attribute VB_Exposed = False
    Option Explicit
    Public Const MAX_LINE_ITEMS As Long = 99
    Private Type TInvoice
        InvoiceNumber As String
        InvoiceDate As Date
        'other members...
        LineItems As Collection
    End Type
    Private this As TInvoice
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        this.LineItems = New Collection
    End Sub
    '@Description("Adds an InvoiceLineItem to this invoice. Raises an error if maximum capacity is reached.")
    Public Sub AddLineItem(ByVal lineItem As InvoiceLineItem)
    Attribute AddLineItem.VB_Description = "Adds an InvoiceLineItem to this invoice."
        If this.LineItems.Count = MAX_LINE_ITEMS Then
            Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "This invoice already contains " & MAX_LINE_ITEMS & " items."
        End If
        this.LineItems.Add lineItem
    End Sub
    '@Description("Gets the line item at the specified index.")
    Public Property Get Item(ByVal index As Long) As InvoiceLineItem
    Attribute Item.VB_Description = "Gets the line item at the specified index."
    Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
        Set Item = this.LineItems(index)
    End Property
    '@Description("Gets an enumerator that iterates through line items.")
    Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
    Attribute NewEnum.VB_Description = "Gets an enumerator that iterates through line items."
    Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
        Set NewEnum = this.LineItems.[_NewEnum]
    End Property
    '...other members...

    You could implement the sum outside the class, but IMO that would be feature envy; an invoice wants to be able to tell you its total amount & quantity.

    So I would expose properties for that:

    '@Description("Gets the total amount for all line items.")
    Public Property Get TotalAmount() As Double
        Dim result As Double
        Dim lineItem As InvoiceLineItem
        For Each lineItem In this.LineItems
            result = result + lineItem.Amount
        TotalAmount = result
    End Property
    '@Description("Gets the total quantity for all line items.")
    Public Property Get TotalQuantity() As Double
        Dim result As Double
        Dim lineItem As InvoiceLineItem
        For Each lineItem In this.LineItems
            result = result + lineItem.Quantity
        TotalQuantity = result
    End Property

    And then you might as well...

    '@Description("Gets the total net amount for all line items (including taxes, discounts and surcharges).")
    Public Property Get TotalNetAmount() As Double
        TotalNetAmount = TotalAmount - TotalDiscounts + TotalSurcharges + TaxAmount
    End Property

    From your post and the nature of your question I suspect your class has.. what, 99 properties, one for each line on the invoice?

    I am stuck with VBA until I can convince the IT folks that I am worthy of a Visual Studio license and scripting access.

    VBA is just as object-oriented a language as any other "real" language you could use with Visual Studio. The above solution is fairly similar to how I would have implemented it in C#, or VB.NET. If your VBA class has a member for every single possible invoice line, your thinking is wrong - not the language you're using.

    Stop hating VBA for the wrong reasons. The editor sucks, get over it.