Greetings oh mighty coders,
I am a beginner and in a bit of trouble here.
There is my baseclass (sensor.h):
class sensor
int sensor_id;
string sensor_name;
string sensor_type;
float reading;
sensor(int, char*, char*);
/* Few extra methods here */
... and I want to create 4 other classes that inherit from my baseclass sensor (temperaturesensor, humiditysensor... and so on).
#include "sensor.h"
class temperaturesensor:public sensor
Temperatursensor(int, char*,char*);
/* Few extra methods here */
Thing is: Every single one of these classes has to be in its own .cpp/.h file and then be included and used in my main.cpp.
using namespace std;
#include <xyz.h>
/* Other libaries here */
#include "temperaturesensor.h"
#include "humiditysensor.h"
int main()
sensor* station[2];
station [0] = new temperaturesensor(x,y,z);
station [1] = new humiditysensor(x,y,z);
If I include one of them it's no biggie. However: If I use multiple ones I get an redefinition error.
error C2011: 'sensor': 'class' typeredefinition c:\users\name\desktop\project\sensor.h 14
error c2011: 'temperaturesensor' : 'class' typeredefinition
What can I do to workaround this? Note that I am not allowed to use #pragma once
Sorry for my stupidity and thanks in advance!
You must use:
#ifndef FILE_H
#define FILE_H
.. normal code here
#pragma once
but too, I think, that sensor schould be abstract class and you schould use virtual destructor. One more think is that array is numerate from 0.