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Supertest request with CSRF fails

I have an Express 4 application that makes user of csurf for CSRF protection on API routes. The application is working perfectly and CSRF protection is indeed working where requests without the csrf-token header will give the appropriate error.

I make use of Ava for testing with supertest for testing routes. The following test fails when CSRF checking is enabled but passes if I remove the middleware:

test('booking api no auth', async t => {

  const server = await request(makeServer(t.context.config, t.context.connection))

  const csrf = await server
    .then(res => new JSDOM(res.text))
    .then(dom => dom.window.document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf_token"]'))
    .then(csrfMeta => csrfMeta.getAttribute('content'))

  const GET = await server
    .set('csrf-token', csrf)

  const POST = await server
    .set('csrf-token', csrf)
      name: 'Test',
      description: 'Test',
      category: 'diving',
      minimumPax: 1,
      maximumPax: 2,
      priceAdult: 1,
      priceChild: 1

  const res = { GET, POST }, 403)
  t.deepEqual(res.GET.body, text['403']), 201)

I have verified that the header is indeed set in the request. Any ideas or suggestions for alternative libraries that works is appreciated.


  • I've previously also had errors with supertest and logging in, still unresolved, but using supertest-session seems to have fixed this for me. Fix was to replace:

    import request from 'supertest'


    import request from 'supertest-session'

    and everything magically works.