I am trying to install the yarn package manager from source onto my Ubuntu machine.
1) Download yarn tarball from Github Release page
2) Extract gzipped tar
tar -xzf yarn-v${YARN_VERSION}.tar.gz
3) Use it
cd ./dist/bin/yarn --version
>> 0.17.10
So far so good.
GOAL: But what is the recommended way to make the yarn
executable accessible through /usr/local/bin/yarn --version
It seems I need to create a symlink. In that case where is the best place to extract the tarball? Is it /usr/local/lib/yarn
? How do I create the symlink?
For anyone wanting to build from the bleeding edge, I did the following:
cd /my/working/directory
git clone https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn.git
cd yarn
npm install
gulp build
Then do as z.ky suggests and export PATH=$PATH:/my/working/directory/yarn/bin