I have multiple custom filters in my page along with a pagination. The filtering works, and so does the pagination, but the pagination count doesnt change after i filter my data. :(
i think i am missing out on something...
have created a dummy JsFiddle
Also i need to filter the data based on the value from the textbox. but i am not sure how to add that filter in this.
<div class="container">
<div ng-controller="EmpCtrl">
Start: {{startDate | date: "dd/MM/yyyy" }} |
End: {{endDate | date: "dd/MM/yyyy"}}
<input type="text" ng-model="bonusFilter" placeholder="search" />
<li ng-repeat="record in filtered = records | betweenDateRange:startDate:endDate | startFrom:(currentPage-1)*entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit ">
<b>{{ record.name }}</b>
<b>{{ record.bonus }}</b>
<span>{{ record.doj | date: "dd/MM/yyyy" }}</span>
<pagination page="currentPage" max-size="noOfPages" total-items="totalItems" items-per-page="entryLimit"></pagination>
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('EmpCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.records = [
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/29"),"bonus" : 250, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/12"),"bonus" : 150, "name": "b1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/05/18"),"bonus" : 250, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/03"),"bonus" : 150, "name": "d1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/25"),"bonus" : 750, "name": "e1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/27"),"bonus" : 1500, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/17"),"bonus" : 232, "name": "w1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/08/11"),"bonus" : 322, "name": "e1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/21"),"bonus" : 455, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/22"),"bonus" : 145, "name": "b1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/05/25"),"bonus" : 766, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/28"),"bonus" : 150, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/29"),"bonus" : 750, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/27"),"bonus" : 1500, "name": "b1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/28"),"bonus" : 500, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/08/24"),"bonus" : 650, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/27"),"bonus" : 1500, "name": "d1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/26"),"bonus" : 500, "name": "d1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/08/13"),"bonus" : 650, "name": "w1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/21"),"bonus" : 250, "name": "x1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/22"),"bonus" : 150, "name": "f1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/05/15"),"bonus" : 250, "name": "f1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/16"),"bonus" : 150, "name": "a1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/16"),"bonus" : 750, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/17"),"bonus" : 1500, "name": "c1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/06/22"),"bonus" : 500, "name": "e1"},
{"doj" : new Date("2017/08/13"),"bonus" : 650, "name": "d1"}
// pagination controls
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.totalItems = $scope.records.length;
$scope.entryLimit = 5; // items per page
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil($scope.totalItems / $scope.entryLimit);
//Date funtionality
$scope.startDate = moment().subtract(6,'d').format('YYYY-MM-DD') ;
$scope.endDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
app.filter('startFrom', function () {
return function (input, start) {
if (input) {
start = +start;
return input.slice(start);
return [];
//ES6 - vipin
app.filter('betweenDateRange', function () {
return function (items, startDate, endDate) {
return items.filter(function (item) {
return ((item.doj >= moment(startDate)) && (item.doj <= moment(endDate)));
You need to get the array filtered without the pagination filter, and use this array for your new pagination length. (startFrom and limitTo are not counted) :
<li ng-repeat="record in filtered = (records | betweenDateRange:startDate:endDate | filter:{bonus: bonusFilter}) | startFrom:(currentPage-1)*entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit ">
here "filtered" is the new array and use it to calculate the new pagination, could be:
$scope.noOfPages = function(array) {
$scope.totalItems = array.length;
return Math.ceil($scope.totalItems / $scope.entryLimit);
in your controller and :
<pagination page="currentPage" max-size="noOfPages(filtered)" total-items="totalItems" items-per-page="entryLimit"></pagination>
Also i need to filter the data based on the value from the textbox. but i am not sure how to add that filter in this.
use filter for it, depending on what you want, if it's only for bonus then: filter: {bonus: bonusFilter}
new fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kpc1Ldu9/1/