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Url not hitting any actions

I have the following url which is created by Kentico to preview a page:


But it is not hitting any of my controllers or actions - in my Route config I have the following 2 routes:

// Kentico CMS Console Preview Route
    name: "Preview",
    url: "cmsctx/pv/{username}/culture/{culture}/wg/{workflowGuid}/h/{hash}/{*pathname}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Preview", action = "Index" });

// Default catch all route
    name: "Default",
    url: "{*pathname}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Alias", action = "CatchAll" });

I would expect the above url to hit the preview controller, or at the very least the catch all, but neither controller is being hit and I just get a 404 resource cannot be found.

Weirdly, if I remove the /-/ from the url or put a letter or number next to it /-1/, then the preview controller will be hit. Does anyone know why the /-/ is causing my code not to hit any controllers?

This is my preview controller:

public class PreviewController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index(PreviewModel model)
        model = previewModelBuilder.GetPreviewModel(model);

        if (model.Page != null)
            return View(model);
            throw new HttpException(404, "Page not found");


  • Ok I have found this is to do with something Kentico does - in my Global.asax I have registered the following:


    And this runs the following:

    public static void RegisterFeatures(ApplicationBuilder builder)
        if (builder != null)

    Removing this allows my routing to kick in and the controller gets hit