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How to wrap mutliple queries into a single where clause in laravel

I want to fetch records from a table pasien_polis where polyclinic_id matches the id of the polyclinics table.

I can achieve that by doing this:

    $polyclinic = Polyclinic::findOrFail($id);
    $pasienpoli = Polyclinic::find($id)->PasienPoli;

the next thing I want to filter is the created_at records, I only want to fetch records created today. This query works well:

    $pasienpoli = DB::table('pasien_polis')->whereDate('created_at', '=', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateString())->get();

the problem came up when I wanted to combine those two filters into a single where clause.

I have tried the following but it returns NULL:

$polyclinic = Polyclinic::findOrFail($id);
$match = Polyclinic::find($id)->PasienPoli;

$pasienpoli = DB::table('pasien_polis')->where([
                     ['polyclinic_id', '=', '$match'],
                     ['created_at', '=', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateString()]

Any help please?


STRUCTURE OF <code>pasien_polis</code>

STRUCTURE OF <code>polyclinics</code>


  • I think you can try this :

        $pasienpoli = DB::table('pasien_polis')
                             ['pasien_polis.polyclinic_id', '=', $id],
                             ['pasien_polis.created_at', '=', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateString()]])

    Hope this help for you !