I would like to be able to check whether an object is a descendant of a given class, but it does not seem possible.
I would like to port the following code from C#:
public virtual Systems Add(ISystem system) {
var initializeSystem = system as IInitializeSystem;
if(initializeSystem != null) {
var executeSystem = system as IExecuteSystem;
if(executeSystem != null) {
var cleanupSystem = system as ICleanupSystem;
if(cleanupSystem != null) {
var tearDownSystem = system as ITearDownSystem;
if(tearDownSystem != null) {
return this;
What would be the best way to achieve the same functionality in Haxe? Note, that an object might be descendant of several classes I am testing for.
Have you tried Std.is()
if (Std.is(system, IInitializeSystem)) {
_initializeSystems.add(cast system);
if (Std.is(system, IExecuteSystem)) {
_executeSystems.add(cast system);
// etc