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Get Matching Xpath Count Keyword does not return all matching Xpaths

I am trying to store a list of all radiobuttons within the page I am working on. The Radio Button amount will change depending on what pagination number I am on.

Right now I am using the code below to find all matching Xpaths and store it within a variable.

*** Keywords ***
Count How Many RadioButtons On Page
    ${Count}    Get Matching Xpath Count    //tr
    ${CountList}    Create List
    : FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    1    ${Count}
    \    Append To List    ${CountList}    xpath=//tr[${INDEX}]
    log    ${CountList}
    Set Global Variable    ${CountList}

This only stores 11 entries. When the page actually contains 20. For some reason it is missing the other 9 and I cannot figure out why.

At the end, the CountList variable looks like this:

u'xpath=//tr[1]', u'xpath=//tr[2]', u'xpath=//tr[3]', u'xpath=//tr[4]', u'xpath=//tr[5]', u'xpath=//tr[6]', u'xpath=//tr[7]', u'xpath=//tr[8]', u'xpath=//tr[9]', u'xpath=//tr[10]', u'xpath=//tr[11]'

This list should go all the way up to //tr[20]

I can also confirm that using (for example) //tr[12] or onwards, will work correctly. It is just that Get Matching Xpath Count is not pulling all 20 of them for some reason.

Can anyone shine light onto this?


Below is part of the HTML of the page I am trying to count:

<tbody id="oKGQf0-rows">
    <tr id="oKGQ_1" class="z-listitem z-listitem-selected">
        <td id="oKGQ0q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ0q-cave" class="z-listcell-content"><span id="oKGQ_1-cm" class="z-listitem-checkable z-listitem-radio"><i class="z-listitem-icon z-icon-radio"></i></span>&nbsp;P-DAC-15-790</div>
        <td id="oKGQ1q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ1q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">DATA</div>
        <td id="oKGQ2q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ2q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">..DATA</div>
        <td id="oKGQ3q" class="z-listcell" title="AMD Contractors Work Permit">
            <div id="oKGQ3q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">15</div>
        <td id="oKGQ4q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ4q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">i9</div>
        <td id="oKGQ5q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ5q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">DATA</div>
        <td id="oKGQ6q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ6q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">&nbsp;</div>
        <td id="oKGQ7q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ7q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">26-06-2015 14:50</div>
        <td id="oKGQ8q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ8q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">&nbsp;</div>
        <td id="oKGQ9q" class="z-listcell">
            <div id="oKGQ9q-cave" class="z-listcell-content">&nbsp;</div>
    <tr id="oKGQ11" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQ31" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQ51" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQ91" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQb1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQd1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQf1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQh1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQj1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQl1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQn1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQp1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQr1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQt1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQv1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQx1" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">
    <tr id="oKGQz1" class="z-listitem">
    <tr id="oKGQ02" class="z-listitem z-listbox-odd">


Ive updated the Get Matching Xpath Count to //div[4]/table/tbody/tr to be a little more specific, and it still only counts 11, not 20


If I perform the same test on the 2nd page, it works completely fine (returns 20, and loops through 20 rows) But there is no difference between page 1 and 2...


  • Turns out, RF didn't really understand what was going on within the page. So what I did was as I arrive to the page (via the nav bar) to then refresh the current page. It then saw all 20 entries and continued through the for loop as expected.

    I don't know if this is a bug within RF for Selenium2Library, But I shouldn't have needed to basically re-initialise the web page when trying to complete logic tasks.

    If someone else runs into a similar issue like this - comment below and ill try to assist you :)