I'm sending customEvents
to Azure Application Insights that look like this:
timestamp | name | customDimensions
2017-06-22T14:10:07.391Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"3000","Id":"49315"}
2017-06-22T14:10:14.699Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"3000","Id":"49315"}
2017-06-22T14:10:15.716Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"2000","Id":"49315"}
2017-06-22T14:10:21.164Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"1000","Id":"41986"}
2017-06-22T14:10:24.994Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"3000","Id":"41986"}
2017-06-22T14:10:25.604Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"2000","Id":"41986"}
2017-06-22T14:10:29.964Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"3000","Id":"54234"}
2017-06-22T14:10:35.192Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"2000","Id":"54234"}
2017-06-22T14:10:35.809Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"3000","Id":"54234"}
2017-06-22T14:10:39.22Z | StatusChange | {"Status":"1000","Id":"74458"}
Assuming that status 3000
is an error status, I'd like to get an alert when a certain percentage of Ids
end up in the error status during the past hour.
As far as I know, Insights cannot do this by default, so I would like to try the approach described here to write an Analytics query that could trigger the alert. This is the best I've been able to come up with:
| where timestamp > ago(1h)
| extend isError = iff(toint(customDimensions.Status) == 3000, 1, 0)
| summarize failures = sum(isError), successes = sum(1 - isError) by timestamp bin = 1h
| extend ratio = todouble(failures) / todouble(failures+successes)
| extend failure_Percent = ratio * 100
| project iff(failure_Percent < 50, "PASSED", "FAILED")
However, for my alert to work properly, the query should:
As the request is written, if there are no events, the query returns neither "PASSED" nor "FAILED".
It also takes into account any records with Status == 3000
, which means that the example above would return "FAILED" (5 out of 10 records have Status 3000), while in reality only 1 out of 4 Ids ended up in error state.
Can someone help me figure out the correct query?
(And optional secondary questions: Has anyone setup a similar alert using Insights? Is this a correct approach?)
As mentioned, since you're only querying on a singe hour your don't need to bin the timestamp
, or use it as part of your aggregation at all.
To answer your questions:
in your summarize
- it will return the status corresponding to maximal timestamp.So to wrap it all up:
| where timestamp > ago(1h)
| extend isError = iff(toint(customDimensions.Status) == 3000, 1, 0)
| summarize argmax(timestamp, isError) by tostring(customDimensions.Id)
| summarize failures = sum(max_timestamp_isError), successes = sum(1 - max_timestamp_isError)
| extend ratio = todouble(failures) / todouble(failures+successes)
| extend failure_Percent = ratio * 100
| project Result = iff(failure_Percent < 50, "PASSED", "FAILED"), IsSynthetic = 0
| union (datatable(Result:string, IsSynthetic:long) ["PASSED", 1])
| top 1 by IsSynthetic asc
| project Result
Regarding the bonus question - you can setup alerting based on Analytics queries using Flow. See here for a related question/answer