I see this error a lot on google, but my case is a little different. Im using delayed_job and Im getting an error when it runs. notified_by
and user
are both two separate users. Now the validation error is on notified_by
. I made a belongs_to in the notification controller for notified_by
my delayed_job model check_expired.rb
class CheckExpired < Struct.new(:agreement_id)
def perform
agreement = Agreement.find(agreement_id)
if agreement.accepted == false
agreement.update_attributes expired: true
create_notification_expired agreement
def create_notification_expired(agreement)
puts "method was called"
puts "#{agreement.reviser_user_id}"
Notification.create!(user_id: agreement.user_id,
notified_by_id: agreement.reviser_user_id,
agreement_id: agreement.id,
notified_by: agreement.reviser_user,
description: "Your agreement has expired you have not been charged",
identifier: agreement.id,
notice_type: 'expired')
My notification model
class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :notified_by, class_name: 'User'
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :reservation
belongs_to :offer
belongs_to :agreement
validates :user_id, :notified_by_id, :identifier, :notice_type, presence: true
all in all, notified_by
is showing validation error.
'Notification.create!' method takes in only model attributes and its values. 'notified_by' is not an attribute of Notification, instead it is an association. Remove this line, 'notified_by: agreement.reviser_user' inside of 'Notification.create!', the error may disappear.
It is also possible 'agreement.reviser_user_id' is nil, another possibility for an error.
notification object is being linked to user using this line 'notified_by_id: agreement.reviser_user_id', so no need for this, 'notified_by: agreement.reviser_user'