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Silent Installation of FIx Pack for IBM HTTP Server Failing

I am trying to install Fix Pack 11 for IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5 on Linux. I am using a silent install. As a template, I used a response file that I had used on Windows. For some reason, Installation Manager thinks I'm trying to install IHS, instead of installing a Fix Pack for IHS:

stgpccggww3n01:/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools# ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress input /home/devopsadm/WLP_IHS/update_WAS85_IHS_response.xml -log /home/devopsadm/WLP_IHS/update_WAS85_IHS.log
CRIMA1174E ERROR: The following errors were generated while installing.
CRIMA1174E ERROR:   There is already a package installed at "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer" in the "IBM HTTP Server V8.5" package group. The installation directory for the new "IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server V8.5" package group must not be the same as a previously used installation directory.

Here is my response file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agent-input clean="false" temporary="true">
        <repository location='/home/devopsadm/WLP_IHS/8.5.5-WS-WASSupplements-FP011'/>
    <install modify='false'>
        <offering id='' 
                  profile='IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server V8.5' 
    <profile id='IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server V8.5' 
        <data key='eclipseLocation' value='/opt/IBM/HTTPServer'/>
        <data key='user.import.profile' value='false'/>
        <data key='user.ihs.httpPort' value='80'/>
        <data key=''
              value='IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server V8.5'/>
        <data key='user.ihs.installHttpService' value='false'/>
        <data key=''
        <data key='' value='false'/>
        <data key='' value='demand'/>
        <data key='' value='Administrator'/>
        <data key='' value='rvCInLaXB5kefhKxXzr3Jg=='/>
        <data key='' value='en'/>

Does anyone have any idea why IIM thinks I'm installing a new version, as opposed to installing a fix pack?


  • Your input file's package group doesn't match the installed package group in the error message. Copy the one from the error message into the input file.

    medium/long term I'd ditch the response file method and just use pure command-line. It's so much simpler.

    I'd suggest playing with this under bash -x to see the very brief commands actually used to install or update.

    This nets to the following after stashing a password in ~/iim.password:

    # Show repo contents /opt/IM/eclipse/tools/imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories -secureStorageFile $HOME/ -masterPasswordFile $HOME/iim.password -prompt

    # Install IHS + java (yes, space separated) /opt/IM/eclipse/tools/imcl install -repositories -installationDirectory /tmp/ihs9 -acceptLicense -secureStorageFile $HOME/ -masterPasswordFile $HOME/iim.password -showProgress

    # Apply 9004 /opt/IM/eclipse/tools/imcl install -repositories -installationDirectory /tmp/ihs9/ -acceptLicense -secureStorageFile $HOME/ -masterPasswordFile $HOME/iim.password