I am trying to use the liftIO
function in the ghci repl.
appears to be defined in cgi's Network.CGI module. I attempt to import that, entering :m Network.CGI
or import Network.CGI
, and get the following error
> :m Network.CGI
<no location info>: error:
Could not find module ‘Network.CGI’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘cgi-3001.3.0.2@cgi-3001.3.0.2-6aj81ZorTUo7RA61f0LJa8’.
Prelude Api.PesticideApplicationLog> import Network.CGI
How do I import liftIO
for use in ghci?
I was trying to import liftIO from the wrong module.
A hoogle search for liftIO
led me to Network.CGI, but the liftIO
that I was looking for resides in Control.Monad.IO.Class
The import command
> :m Control.Monad.IO.Class
worked to import the appropriate liftIO
for me.