Is it possible to configure a flink application at runtime? For example, I have a streaming application that reads the input, does some transformations and then filters out all the elements below a certain threshold. However, I want this threshold to be configurable at runtime, meaning I'm able to change this without having to restart my flink job. Example code:
DataStream<MyModel> myModelDataStream = // get input ...
// do some stuff ...
.filter(new RichFilterFunction<MyModel>() {
public boolean filter(MyModel value) throws Exception {
return value.someValue() > someGlobalState.getThreshold();
// write to some sink ...
DataStream<MyConfig> myConfigDataStream = // get input ...
// ...
.process(new RichProcessFunction<MyConfig>() {
// ...
Is there some possibility to achive this? Like a global state that can be changed through a configuration stream for example.
Yes, you can do this with a BroadcastProcessFunction
. Something roughly like this:
MapStateDescriptor<Void, Threshold> bcStateDescriptor =
new MapStateDescriptor<>("thresholds", Types.VOID, Threshold.class);
DataStream<MyModel> myModelDataStream = // get input ...
DataStream<Threshold> thresholds = // get input...
BroadcastStream<Threshold> controlStream = thresholds.broadcast(bcStateDescriptor);
DataStream<MyModel> result = myModelDataStream
.process(new MyFunction());
public class MyFunction extends BroadcastProcessFunction<MyModel, Long, MyModel> {
public void processBroadcastElement(Threshold newthreshold, Context ctx, Collector<MyModel> out) {
MapStateDescriptor stateDescriptor = new MapStateDescriptor<>("thresholds", Types.VOID, Threshold.class)
BroadcastState<Void, Threshold> bcState = ctx.getBroadcastState(stateDescriptor);
bcState.put(null, newthreshold);
public void processElement(MyModel model, Collector<MyModel> out) {
Threshold threshold = ctx.getBroadcastState(new MapStateDescriptor<>("threshold", Types.VOID, Threshold.class)).get(null);
if (threshold.value() == null || model.getData() > threshold.value()) {