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FIWARE: Orion Context Broker and CKAN

I am using a Raspberry Pi and Figway to work with Orion ContextBroker. My Raspberry Pi is sending data from some sensors to the public Context Broker that Fiware provide (I don't have any local Context Broker). Futhermore I have a dashboard in Freeboard that shows the information of my sensors.

Now I have found Fiware has a CKAN tool, it allows to real time context information can be published in CKAN as Context Broker queries. I have followed this Tutorial but I can't understand how to connect CKAN with my devices in Orion Context Broker. How can I found a the URL of my entities?

I am very new in Fiware and my concepts in writing code are not enough but I am able to learn!

Thanks in advance.


  • In order to complement @Dalton's answer...

    What you are trying to do is a way of publishing CKAN resources pointing to Orion CB by means of a query URL. CKAN resources allow for that, i.e. a resource in CKAN can be related to data stored within CKAN itself, or be related to data outside CKAN; in that case the resource contains a link to the data.

    Thus, having resources linking to Orion CB entities is a way of querying Orion CB through CKAN. This means each time you access the CKAN resource, you will be accessing the current value of the related entity's attributes. If any entity's attribute change and you access the resource again, then you'll be accesing such new value; the previous one is lost.

    A very different thing is when you need to store in CKAN itself (through its DataStore, a PostgreSQL wrapper) all the values your entities have had along the time, i.e. when you need to store your entities' history. In that case, you will need to use Cygnus tool.