Search code examples

Virtuoso VECSL Error from DBpedia endpoint on SPARQL CONSTRUCT query

When I run this query:

    ?band a dbo:Band ;
          foaf:name ?name;
          dbp:website ?website ; 
          dbo:abstract ?abstract ;
          dbo:genre ?genre;
          dbo:image ?image;
          dbp:currentMembers ?member .
    ?band a umbel-rc:Band_MusicGroup;
          foaf:name ?name;
          dbo:bandMember ?member;
          foaf:homepage ?website;
          dbo:abstract ?abstract.
FILTER(lang(?abstract) = "en").
OPTIONAL{?band dbo:genre ?genre} .
OPTIONAL {?band dbo:thumbnail ?image}.
LIMIT 10000.

I have this error:

Virtuoso VECSL Error VECSL: Internal error, ssl refd before set, please report query to support

Please. Help Me.


  • The error is caused by the trailing dot/period/. after your LIMIT clause, which is a syntax violation.

    Remove that dot, and your query will work.

    (You would get a better error with a space before that trailing dot, LIMIT 10000 .. I've raised this to the Development team to be addressed.)