I am using a custom directive named flag
inside the cellTemplate
of ui-grid
. This directive just accepts a country name (USA or CANADA), and displays its corresponding flag. The directive works fine when the page loads for the first time. However, later even if I change the value of flag to anything, the custom directive doesn't update and display the new flag. Not sure what am I missing.
The directive gets compiled once! You need to watch the attribute or set a two way binding!
app.directive('flag', function() {
var flags = {
USA: 'https://github.com/hjnilsson/country-flags/raw/master/png100px/us.png',
CANADA: 'https://github.com/hjnilsson/country-flags/raw/master/png100px/ca.png'
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
flag: "@"
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.$watch('flag', function(newValue, oldValue){
angular.element(elem).attr('src', flags[newValue]);
working plunkr ==> http://plnkr.co/edit/dcHDMEY8MpQnCnm99aDd?p=preview