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How do I add a Babel plugin to a create-react-app project?

I'm following video tutorial and on video #7 at some point the tutor/presenter add the following code

@connect((store) => {
    return {user: store.user.user, tweets: store.tweers.tweers}

I understand I need to configure Webpack by adding babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy but create-react-app is not showing any of the configuration files. What is the solution here?


  • While you could eject for decorators it is completely unnecessary and comes with all downsides of ejecting (you don't get future updates to the tooling automatically).

    Instead I recommend either using learning resources that don't rely on experimental features (which decorators currently are), or learning how to write equivalent code without them.

    For example:

    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
      // ...
    export default connect((store) => {
        return {user: store.user.user, tweets: store.tweers.tweers}

    If you can't figure out how to write some example without decorators, create a new question and link to it in comments, and I'll try to answer.