In Swift 3, this is a compile error, if I use >
or <
let a: Int?
guard a > 0 else {return}
guard a < 0 else {return}
Compile error:
Value of optional type 'Int?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?
But it's okay if I compare with ==
or !=
let a: Int?
guard a == 0 else {return}
guard a != 0 else {return}
It makes perfect sense for the equality operator to support optionals, because it's absolutely clear that for any integer valued variable i
nil == nil
nil != i
i != nil
i == i
if and only if their values are the sameOn the other hand, it's not clear how comparison to nil
should act:
Is i
less than nil
s come out at the end, then I would want i
to be less than nil
s come out at the start, then I would want i
to be greater than nil
.Since either of these are equally valid, it wouldn't make sense for the standard library to favor one over the other. It's left to the programmer to implement whichever comparison makes sense for their use-case.
Here's a toy implementation that generates a comparison operator to suite either case:
func nilComparator<T: Comparable>(nilIsLess: Bool) -> (T?, T?) -> Bool {
return {
switch ($0, $1) {
case (nil, nil): return false
case (nil, _?): return nilIsLess
case (_?, nil): return !nilIsLess
case let (a?, b?): return a < b
let input = (0...10).enumerated().map {
$0.offset.isMultiple(of: 2) ? Optional($0.element) : nil
func concisePrint<T>(_ optionals: [T?]) -> String {
return "[" + { ${ "\($0)?" } ?? "nil" }.joined(separator: ", ") + "]"
print("Input:", concisePrint(input))
print("nil is less:", concisePrint(input.sorted(by: nilComparator(nilIsLess: true))))
print("nil is more:", concisePrint(input.sorted(by: nilComparator(nilIsLess: false))))
[0?, nil, 2?, nil, 4?, nil, 6?, nil, 8?, nil, 10?]
nil is less:
[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0?, 2?, 4?, 6?, 8?, 10?]
nil is more:
[0?, 2?, 4?, 6?, 8?, 10?, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]