I was wondering if anyone could help me understand how to update a service running in cloudera manager with the REST API.
I've been going through the docs, and am trying to find a way to update some yarn configurations, but the docs are a little unclear. https://cloudera.github.io/cm_api/apidocs/v10/path__clusters_-clusterName-services-serviceName-_config.html
I feel like I am close, but here is what I have so far:
curl -X PUT \
-u <admin_username>:<admin_password> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb":4696}' \
However, I'm getting a response saying:
"message" : "Unrecognized property: 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb'"
The service name CD-YARN-rrOCWOpV
was identified in the list of services from:
From which I could see the result:
"name" : "CD-YARN-rrOCWOpV",
"type" : "YARN",
Thank you!!
It looks like I was writing to the wrong location. What was needed was to write to role configuration (in this case it was the yarn RESOURCEMANAGER
After querying the roles, I was able to identify the name of the RESOURCEMANAGER role as CD-Y76ddf83d-RESOURCEMANAGER-45344d25a0e70b3b594d08b277a10937
And then updated the json object to match the object which is found from querying: http://<CM_HOST>/api/v10/clusters/spark-2/services/CD-YARN-rrOCWOpV/roles/CD-Y76ddf83d-RESOURCEMANAGER-45344d25a0e70b3b594d08b277a10937/config?view=full
curl -X PUT \
-u <admin_username>:<admin_password> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"items": [{"name" : "yarn_scheduler_maximum_allocation_mb", "value":"4696"}]}' \
Was able to get a successful response:
"items" : [ {
"name" : "resource_manager_java_heapsize",
"value" : "472907776"
}, {
"name" : "yarn_scheduler_maximum_allocation_mb",
"value" : "4696"
}, {
"name" : "yarn_scheduler_maximum_allocation_vcores",
"value" : "2"
} ]
Thank you again!!
The correct attribute is yarn_scheduler_maximum_allocation_mb