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Ansible sudo root hop

My problem is :

As it is usually seen as a bad practice to use root user to connect to a remote machine over ssh, i use a specific unprivileged account to connect to servers.

But for me it is also a bad practice to do all actions as root user. I prefer use applicative users whenever i can.

With ansible i can become root and execute privileged commands with become directive. But is there any mean to become any user with a root 'hop' privilege escalation ?

ie, ssh with ssh-user => become root => become any other user

The other means I see do not satisfy me completely:

  • become root, use cmd module and use su (which displays the following deprecated message [WARNING]: Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running su ) :

    cmd: su -c "my_command" app_user become: True become_user: root

  • add sudoers permission to my ssh-user to become directly all applicative users

Am i missing some way to do this more neatly ?


  • You can run your playbook with --ask-become-pass option, as example:

    ansible-playbook -i ../inventories/production.ini service_install.yml --ask-become-pass

    And in your inventory, here is called production.ini, add your information user for ansible group:

    ansible_user=appuser                                   # insert your app user here
    ansible_ssh_pass=passuser                              # insert your pass here

    You can then encrypt your inventory file to keep your password secret, and give the decryption password to your OPs/Sysadmins Teams

    ansible-vault encrypt ../inventories/

    The final command kept will be:

    ansible-playbook -i ../inventories/production.ini service_install.yml --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass

    Then on your play, you will just need to user "become: yes" option to call your task:

    cmd: "my_command" app_user
    become: yes