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Detecting context manager nesting

I've been wondering recently if there's a way to detect whether a context manager is nested.

I've created Timer and TimerGroup classes:

class Timer:
    def __init__(self, name="Timer"): = name
        self.start_time = clock()

    def seconds_to_str(t):
        return str(timedelta(seconds=t))

    def end(self):
        return clock() - self.start_time

    def print(self, t):
        print(("{0:<" + str(line_width - 18) + "} >> {1}").format(, self.seconds_to_str(t)))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):

class TimerGroup(Timer):
    def __enter__(self):
        print(('= ' + + ' ').ljust(line_width, '='))
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        total_time = self.seconds_to_str(self.end())
        print(" Total: {0}".format(total_time).rjust(line_width, '='))

This code prints timings in a readable format:

with TimerGroup("Collecting child documents for %s context" % context_name):
    with Timer("Collecting context features"):
        # some code...
    with Timer("Collecting child documents"):
        # some code...

= Collecting child documents for Global context ============
Collecting context features                >> 0:00:00.001063
Collecting child documents                 >> 0:00:10.611130
====================================== Total: 0:00:10.612292

However, when I nest TimerGroups, it messed things up:

with TimerGroup("Choosing the best classifier for %s context" % context_name):
    with Timer("Splitting datasets"):
        # some code...
    for cname, cparams in classifiers.items():
        with TimerGroup("%s classifier" % cname):
            with Timer("Training"):
                # some code...
            with Timer("Calculating accuracy on testing set"):
                # some code

= Choosing the best classifier for Global context ==========
Splitting datasets                         >> 0:00:00.002054
= Naive Bayes classifier ===================================
Training                                   >> 0:00:34.184903
Calculating accuracy on testing set        >> 0:05:08.481904
====================================== Total: 0:05:42.666949

====================================== Total: 0:05:42.669078

All I need is to do is to indent the nested Timers and TimerGroups somehow. Should I pass any parameters to their constructors? Or can I detect that from inside the class?


  • If all you need to do is adjust an indentation level based on how many nested context managers you're executing in, then have a class attribute called indent_level and adjust it each time you enter and exit a context manager. Something like the following:

    class Context:
        indent_level = 0
        def __init__(self, name):
   = name
        def __enter__(self):
            print(' '*4*self.indent_level + 'Entering ' +
            return self
        def __exit__(self, *a, **k):
            print(' '*4*self.indent_level + 'Exiting ' +
        def adjust_indent_level(cls, val):
            cls.indent_level += val

    And use it as:

    >>> with Context('Outer') as outer_context:
            with Context('Inner') as inner_context:
                print(' '*inner_context.indent_level*4 + 'In the inner context')
    Entering Outer
        Entering Inner
            In the inner context
        Exiting Inner
    Exiting Outer