I want to produce a table which contains substrings and IDs of another table, where the substrings occur. See question Concatenate values.
create table table_expressions
A clob
insert all
into table_expressions (a) values ('atveroeosipsum')
into table_expressions (a) values ('test')
into table_expressions (a) values ('stetclitakasd')
into table_expressions (a) values ('noseatakimata')
into table_expressions (a) values ('loremipsumdolor')
into table_expressions (a) values ('consetetursadipscingelitr')
select * from dual;
create table a_x
A clob,
B clob
insert all
into a_x (a, b) values('atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor', 1)
into a_x (a, b) values('stetclitakasdtest', 2)
into a_x (a, b) values('noseatakimataatveroeosipsum', 3)
into a_x (a, b) values('loremipsumdolor', 4)
into a_x (a, b) values('consetetursadipscingelitr', 5)
select * from dual;
create table a_y
input_strings ( a ) as (
select column_value from table_expressions
select t2.a, listagg(t1.b, ',') within group (order by t1.b)
as ids from a_x t1 join input_strings t2 on t1.a like '%' || t2.a || '%'
group by t2.a
The table_expressions
contains the desired substrings
My real data produce quite a lot IDs to be concatenated. After running the code with the real data the error 01489. 00000 - "result of string concatenation is too long"
*Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size.
*Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size.
How could I rewrite the code in order to format the resulting column IDs
in CLOB format?
I looked at question Listagg function but I didn't understand the code in the posted answer.
This code:
create table a_y
input_strings ( a ) as (
select a
from table_expressions
select t2.a, RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,t1.a,',').EXTRACT('//text()') ORDER BY t1.a).GetClobVal(),',') AS LIST as ids
from a_x t1
join input_strings t2 on t1.a like '%' || t2.a || '%'
group by t2.a
produces error FROM keyword not found where expected
I would like to produce a table a_y, which should look like that and columns A
ans IDs
should be in clob format:
A | IDs
atveroeosipsum | 1,3
test | 2
stetclitakasd | 2
noseatakimata | 3
loremipsumdolor | 1,4
consetetursadipscingelitr | 5
How can I fix this?
The immediate error is caused by having two aliases given to the result of the concatenation: You have AS LIST as ids
. You can't give two aliases to the result of a calculation. If you want the newly created table to have a column LIST
then delete as ids
, and vice versa.
Then you will run into another error: you are attempting to ORDER BY t1.a
in the aggregation. That won't work; you can't order by a CLOB in the XML aggregation. Do you really care in what order the aggregation happens? If you don't, change to ORDER BY NULL
. If you do care, you have a problem, since in Oracle an order_by_clause
simply cannot order by a CLOB expression. You will have to create a separate column for ordering by using other methods.
In the solution overall, there is no need for the WITH clause. Wherever you refer to "input_strings" in the query (other than the WITH clause), simply write "table_expressions".
Here is how this could be made to work. First I will show the CREATE TABLE statements. I will assume that table_expressions
has a CLOB column of search strings, and that there are NO DUPLICATES in this column. Even so, the table also needs a separate primary key, of a data type that is not LOB or other long, not-standard-type. I use NUMBER for this.
Then I aggregate by this primary key column. Alas, I can't select the search string at the same time. I could SELECT MAX(t2.a)
but that doesn't work with CLOB values either! Instead, I need a further join to match the primary key to the search string. (Sorry, the query will take that much longer because of this...)
In the aggregation, I sort by the first 4000 characters of the string value from column a
. This is not as good as sorting by the entire input string, but it is still better than ordering by NULL.
create table a_x ( a, b ) as
select to_clob('atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor'), 1 from dual union all
select to_clob('stetclitakasdtest') , 2 from dual union all
select to_clob('noseatakimataatveroeosipsum') , 3 from dual union all
select to_clob('loremipsumdolor') , 4 from dual union all
select to_clob('consetetursadipscingelitr') , 5 from dual
create table table_expressions ( a, pk ) as
select to_clob('atveroeosipsum') , 10 from dual union all
select to_clob('test') , 11 from dual union all
select to_clob('stetclitakasd') , 12 from dual union all
select to_clob('noseatakimata') , 13 from dual union all
select to_clob('loremipsumdolor') , 14 from dual union all
select to_clob('consetetursadipscingelitr'), 15 from dual
create table a_y as
select te.a, s.ids
from table_expressions te
(select t2.pk, RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,t1.a,',').EXTRACT('//text()')
ORDER BY cast(t1.a as varchar2(4000))).GetClobVal(),',') as ids
from a_x t1
join table_expressions t2
on t1.a like '%' || t2.a || '%'
group by t2.pk
) s
on te.pk = s.pk
Now let's check what we got:
select * from a_y;
------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
atveroeosipsum atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor,noseatakimataatveroeosipsum
test stetclitakasdtest
stetclitakasd stetclitakasdtest
noseatakimata noseatakimataatveroeosipsum
loremipsumdolor atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor,loremipsumdolor
consetetursadipscingelitr consetetursadipscingelitr
If you need to concatenate the id's from table a_x
(column b
), not the CLOBs themselves, then replace t1.a
with t1.b
(and, in the ORDER BY
clause of XMLAGG
, you don't need any cast
, just order by t1.b
drop table a_y purge;
create table a_y as
select te.a, s.ids
from table_expressions te
(select t2.pk, RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,t1.b,',').EXTRACT('//text()')
ORDER BY t1.b).GetClobVal(),',') as ids
from a_x t1
join table_expressions t2
on t1.a like '%' || t2.a || '%'
group by t2.pk
) s
on te.pk = s.pk
select * from a_y;
------------------------- ---
atveroeosipsum 1,3
test 2
stetclitakasd 2
noseatakimata 3
loremipsumdolor 1,4
consetetursadipscingelitr 5