Why does my footer navigation become too wide at lower resolutions? I have the footer set-up with 100% width. When I switch to a resolution lower than 1920x1080 the "footer" and my "sitecontainer" expands it's width and becomes wider than 100% width. How do I fix this?
Website link: http://www.hgcarpentryandjoinery.com/MXJGTV/Test.html
Source code: view-source:http://www.hgcarpentryandjoinery.com/MXJGTV/Test.html
I don't think the footer
is the problem. Have a look at this image: <img style=" float:left: display:inline" src="images3/RightSpace.png" width="1146" height="58" alt="SidebarSpace">
which has a fixed width of 1146 pixels.