I have the below Python 3 code that works:
import itertools
loops = 10
results = [4, 2.75, 2.75, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0]
threshold = loops * 2
cartesian_product = itertools.product(results, repeat=loops)
good, bad = 0, 0
for e in cartesian_product:
if (sum(e) >= threshold):
good += 1
bad += 1
print('Ratio of good vs total is {0:.3f}%'.format(100 * good / (good + bad)))
If I increase the loops to a larger number (>15), the program takes too long to finish.
Is there a more efficient way/algorithm to calculate the ratio?
Here is a solution. The idea is to calculate all possible sums of our values you can obtain with n loops, counting the different possible sums, and counting together all sums that are larger than the threshold.
Then, we can generate all possible sums for n+1 loops by adding our values to the previous sums. We can hope that the number of different possible sums won't grow too large, as we add many times the same values, and we regroup all sums larger than the threshold.
from collections import Counter
def all_sums(values, threshold, previous_sums = None):
values must be sorted
previous_sums is a Counter of previously obtained possible sums
Returns a Counter of all possible sums of values and the previous sums
if not previous_sums:
previous_sums = Counter({0:1})
new = Counter()
for existing_sum, ex_sum_count in sorted(previous_sums.items()):
for index, val in enumerate(values):
total = existing_sum + val
if total < threshold:
# With the current value, we have found ex_sum_count
# ways to obtain that total
new.update({total: ex_sum_count})
# We don't need the exact sum, as anything we could
# later add to it will be over the threshold.
# We count them under the value = threshold
# As 'values' is sorted, all subsequent values will also give
# a sum over the threshold
values_left = len(values) - index
new.update({threshold: values_left * ex_sum_count})
return new
def count_sums(values, threshold, repeat):
values must be sorted!
Recursively calculates the possible sums of 'repeat' values,
counting together all values over 'threshold'
if repeat == 1:
return all_sums(values, threshold, previous_sums=None)
return all_sums(values, threshold, previous_sums=count_sums(values, threshold, repeat=repeat-1))
Let's try it on your example:
loops = 10
results = [4, 2.75, 2.75, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0]
threshold = loops * 2
values = sorted(results)
sums = count_sums(values, threshold, repeat=loops)
# Counter({20: 137401794, 19.75: 16737840, 18.25: 14016240, 18.5: 13034520, 19.5: 12904920,
# 17.0: 12349260, 15.75: 8573040, 17.25: 8048160, 15.5: 6509160, 16.75: 6395760, 14.25: 5171040,
# 18.0: 5037480, 14.5: 4461480, 16: 3739980, 18.75: 3283020, 19.25: 3220800, 13.0: 3061800,
# 14.0: 2069550, 12.75: 1927800, 15.25: 1708560, 13.25: 1574640, 17.5: 1391670, 11.5: 1326780,
# 11.75: 1224720, 14.75: 1182660, 16.5: 1109640, 10.25: 612360, 17.75: 569520, 11.25: 453600,
# 16.25: 444060, 12.5: 400680, 10.0: 374220, 12: 295365, 13.75: 265104, 10.5: 262440, 19.0: 229950,
# 13.5: 204390, 8.75: 204120, 15.0: 192609, 9.0: 153090, 8.5: 68040, 9.75: 65520, 7.5: 61236,
# 7.25: 45360, 11.0: 44940, 12.25: 21840, 6.0: 17010, 7.0: 7560, 5.75: 6480, 8.25: 5280, 4.5: 3240,
# 9.5: 2520, 10.75: 720, 4.25: 540, 5.5: 450, 3.0: 405, 6.75: 180, 8: 45, 1.5: 30, 2.75: 20, 4: 10, 0: 1})
number_of_sums = len(results) ** loops
# 282475249
good = sums[threshold]
# 137401794
bad = number_of_sums - good
# 145073455
I timed it, it takes about 9 ms on my rather old machine.
And with some other data: 10 different values, 20 loops:
loops = 20
results = [4, 2.75, 2.45, 1.5, 1.3, 0.73, 0.12, 1.4, 1.5, 0]
threshold = loops * 2
values = sorted(results)
sums = count_sums(values, threshold, repeat=loops)
number_of_sums = len(results) ** loops
good = sums[threshold]
bad = number_of_sums - good
# 5440943363190360728
# 94559056636809639272
which I obtain in less than 12 seconds.