I cannot get my head around how to setup a couple of things when porting the code from Dagger 2 to Android Dagger 2.11. In Dagger 2 the setup was something like this:
public class App extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
private void initializeInjector() {
//this class should be auto-generated by Dagger on build
this.applicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder()
.applicationModule(new ApplicationModule(this))
.netModule(new NetModule())
public ApplicationComponent getApplicationComponent() {
return this.applicationComponent;
You then had access to the applicationComponent and you could inject any object by using the:
In Android Dagger 2.11 you don't do that anymore. For Activities and Fragments you can inject with the AndroidInjector.inject() method but what about other types? Let's look at an example below. We have a JobManager that can post jobs. The jobs are persisted to a file and when they should be posted they are first deserialized. The problem is that its dependencies are not set of course. So the question is: How to do that?
public class JobManager {
private Context context;
public JobManager(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public void postJob(String jobId) {
MyJob myJob = deserializePersistedJobFromFile(jobId);
//((App) context).getApplicationComponent().inject(myJob); //This was the old way of doing injection
AndroidInjector.inject(myJob); //This doesn't work - what to do now?
public class MyJob {
ApiService apiService;
You can get Dagger to inject a MembersInjector<T> and then use that to inject dependencies into your own objects...
public class JobManager {
private Context context;
public JobManager(Context context, MembersInjector<MyJob> jobInjector) {
this.context = context;
public void postJob(String jobId) {
MyJob myJob = deserializePersistedJobFromFile(jobId);