I am setting up an ambari cluster with 3 virtualbox VMs running Ubuntu 16.04LTS.
I followed this hortonworks tutorial.
However when I am going to create a cluster using Ambari Cluster Install Wizard I get the below error during the step 3 - "Confirm Hosts".
26 Jun 2017 16:41:11,553 WARN [Thread-34] BSRunner:292 - Bootstrap process timed out. It will be destroyed.
26 Jun 2017 16:41:11,554 INFO [Thread-34] BSRunner:309 - Script log Mesg
INFO:root:BootStrapping hosts ['thanuja.ambari-agent1.com', 'thanuja.ambari-agent2.com'] using /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_server cluster primary OS: ubuntu16 with user 'thanuja'with ssh Port '22' sshKey File /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/5/sshKey password File null using tmp dir /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/5 ambari: thanuja.ambari-server.com; server_port: 8080; ambari version:; user_run_as: root
INFO:root:Executing parallel bootstrap
Bootstrap process timed out. It was destroyed.
I have read number of posts saying that this is related to not enabling Password-less SSH to the hosts. But I can ssh to the hosts without password from the server.
I am running ambari as non-root user with root privileges.
This post helped me.
I modified the users in host machines so that they can execute sudo commands without password using visudo
Please post if you have any alternative answers.