I have a problem in Reporting Services 2012.
I want get this tablix:1:https://i.sstatic.net/P5IEB.jpg
For this, I have a report with this tablix. There are two cells of detail, where "Base" is dynamic, the result query sql.
In the visibility second cell of detail, I have an expression:
iif(Previous(Fields!NOMBRE.Value)=Fields!NOMBRE.Value and RowNumber("DataSet1")=CountRows("DataSet1"),false,true)
But, my result is:
How can I do?
your expression will work only for the grand total because you are counting in the data set scope. You may need to count at group level. Suppose your group is called Detail then the expression should be:
iif(Previous(Fields!NOMBRE.Value)=Fields!NOMBRE.Value and RowNumber("Detail")=CountRows("Detail"),false,true)