As you can see in the picture, I was working in feature forum_kolo_3, I decided to finish that feature and merge it to develop (but did not pushed the changes to remote develop, so its just local changes) and than I realized it was a bad idea and now I want to remove this merge, like it never happened.
So similar situation as described in here:git revert not allowed due to a merge but no -m option was given
But Im not quite sure what to do now, reverse or reset? I want to undo the merge I just did.
I also found this How to revert Git repository to a previous commit?
git revert --no-commit 0766c053..HEAD
git commit
Which seems like a better idea...but I have no clue
Just find the last commit of the develop branch before merge, and then reset your git history to that commit.
git reset --hard <pre_merge_last_commit_id>
You can use graphical tool like gitk
or git log --oneline --decorate=full --graph
to find the last commit of the develop branch.
Note: Make sure you don't reset to the last commit of the feature branch instead.