I want to serialize a pretty ordinary class, but the catch is it's nested in a static class like this:
public static class StaticClass
public class SomeType
This code:
StaticClass.SomeType obj = new StaticClass.SomeType();
XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(obj));
Produces this error:
StaticClass.SomeType cannot be serialized. Static types cannot be used as parameters or return types.
That error seems completely irrelevant; StaticClass.SomeType
is not a static type.
Is there a way around this? Am I wrong to think this error is dumb?
As a pragmatic workaround - don't mark the nesting type static
public class ContainerClass
private ContainerClass() { // hide the public ctor
throw new InvalidOperationException("no you don't");
public class SomeType