I am trying to send an email, using the MATLAB sendmail function. I have been following the instructions of the sendmail function analysis in Mathworks on this link: https://uk.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/sending-email.html
The code which I used on the command window is the following:
setpref ('Internet','E_mail','myemailaddress@gmail.com');
setpref ('Internet','SMTP_Server','smtp.gmail.com') ;
sendmail('emailofreceiver@gmail.com','texttobesent') ;
The message that I am getting after running those commands is the following:
Error using sendmail (line 169)
Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com, port: 25;
Connection timed out: connect
From what I understand I must change the arguments inside the second setpref function that I call, though I am not sure what exactly to include it them, based on the the gmail smtp port that is returned.
As @Xiangru Li said on his answer, setting up related to SSL is indeed needed. But that was not enough. Eventually, I had to change my google settings to turn on access for less secure apps. Information about doing this can be found in this link: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en
So after doing this, the following code was successful and I managed to send an email with it:
props = java.lang.System.getProperties;
sendmail('emailofreceiver','testtobesent') ;