Search code examples
faceted-searchcratedb Facets for search?

Does support facets (for faceted search)?

I didn't find anything in the docs. ElasticSearch replaced facets with aggregations in 2014, but the aggregation section in the crate docs only talks about SQL aggregation functions.

My use case: I've got a list of web sites, each record has a domain and a language field. When displaying the search results, I want to get a list of all domains that the search results appear in, as well a list of all languages, ordered by number of occurences so search results can be narrowed down. The number of results for those single facet values shall also be given.

Screenshot with facets: screenshot


  • There is no way to get the facets I want from crate itself.

    Instead we're enabling the ElasticSearch REST API in crate.yml now

    es.api.enabled: true

    .. and can use the ElasticSearch aggregation API.